After a successful Winter Conference, MUN has a dramatic gain in new club members

The Model United Nations Program recently attended a Winter Conference held on Nov. 13. The conference was the program’s first time participating in a miniature conference, as in the past they have always only participated in a large conference in the spring. The conference had five schools that chose to participate with a total of 60 students.

Supervisor of the Model United Nations club, Breck Foster stated, “They did a mini simulation, we had pizza, and the kids learned the rules, and it was a good event.” Foster also mentioned that “Often times, students are afraid of MUN, but this gave a baby step of learning about it.” She also mentioned that it there is a strong possibility that the program will attend this same conference again next year.

With hopes to advertise the event earlier next year, the goal is to have the ability to join the program immediately after the Winter Conference, as this beginning conference enlightened many students on how Model United Nations is run and how a conference functions.

The increase in students involved in MUN has gone up dramatically this year. In the past two years the program has had 75 students, and as of now, there are 115 students. “By the time we go to the spring conference, I’m anticipating we will have about 100 students,” Foster added.

For the spring conference the program will be representing six countries instead of representing four like they have in the past. They will be representing Mexico, South Korea, Marshall Islands, United Arab Emirates, Tibet and Israel. While the Winter Conference has ended, they hope to see you at the Spring Conference in April.