VP – Cole Leeper
Cole Leeper: (He/Him)
Why should a student, who has potentially never met or interacted with you, vote for you?
- In my last two years of leadership I have done my best to listen to the ideas and problems of every student and worked hard to ensure that they were addressed at LOHS. I want to talk to any kid with a concern or idea and hope to see them soon at school.
Why did you choose to apply for this position, specifically?
- I believe I can use my experience to do the best job for the students as ASB Vice President. I thought I knew everything when I first became a Sophomore and Junior Vice President, but now I realize I had to work hard to learn how to organize events, help people become leaders, and make life more enjoyable for students.
What sets you apart from the other candidates?
- As I have been in leadership before, I have learned how to help students and hopefully make their life better. I want to make more changes to the school that will make everyone happier and feel welcomed. One event that I helped create was the Halloween Carnival.
How would students know that you’re willing to put in the work for our school?
- They should look at my previous work the past two years in leadership. For example, Sophomore year five other classmates and I got to plan Winter Formal for the school and that was a big success. This year we got to plan Homecoming and were in the process of planning Prom. I am passionate about our community and always will put in as much effort as possible.
What are your greatest weaknesses regarding your position/leadership? How will you work to combat that? Conversely, what are your greatest strengths regarding your position/leadership? How will you use that to your advantage?
- My weakness is that I really want every single student to get what they want out of High School. I realize that isn’t possible, and it means that I have to work harder in order to satisfy a diverse student body. My strength is my experience in Leadership the past two years and my ability to listen. I would use my experience and listening to build events and better serve the students at LOHS.
What do you think makes a good leader?
- I think a good leader is someone with experience who is willing to listen and has integrity. Also they are willing to learn from their mistakes.
What would you like to convey about yourself that the applications on loelections.com didn’t allow you to?
- I will fight for everyone’s voice to be heard and respected at LOHS.
Is there anything else you would like to say to students reading this?
- Stay safe and healthy and I am looking forward to seeing everyone next year.