LO Drama Presents Comedic One-act “Anger Management”
January 26, 2021
LO theatre’s first performance since “Chicago,” “Anger Management” is a 30 minute comedic one-act run by a team of nine.
The show is about a group of people that attend an anger management session. “The therapist has everyone reenact what got them there in the first place,” said Elisabeth Firmin, a sophomore and one of the cast members. “All of us have our ‘issues’, and when you have so many people with these many issues, it can get…interesting.”
“The show is the idea of the LO Drama board,” said Robert McGranahan, the director of “Anger Management.” “They picked this show and I directed. They wanted to use this as a test production to see how hard it would be.”
“The show was rehearsed and then performed and recorded on Zoom,” McGranahan said. Senior Quinn Connell did the recording, editing, and sound effects on the final version. “Anger Management” will air on Jan. 29 and Jan. 30.
The Cast included Firmin (Dr. Clarke), Andrew Huang (McGowan), Sarah Watson (Knifton), Caitlin Sirrine (Losh), Erin Bowers (Ford), and Ellie DeVine (Polston). The Crew is made of director McGranahan, stage manager Caitlin Sirrine, and video editor Connell.
Though the group could not rehearse in person because of COVID-19. McGranahan noted one upside of virtual meetings: “We rehearsed it all on Zoom and one of our actors (Huang) was in Shanghai, China! That was a new thing for me!”
Tickets can be ordered here.