Semester two schedule changes

Mark Williams, Editor-in-Chief

Class schedules are changing between semesters. Just because you have history first period during the first semester it could be sixth period second semester. Our classes between semesters match as well as our teachers, but there is no guarantee that the orientation of our classes will look alike.

“If a teacher teaches three periods of the American contemporary world and it’s offered 3rd period, 4th period and sixth period then the schedule is going to try to keep the kid with the same teacher but they could switch what period they have, if it allows them to get into another class” explained Assistant Principal Dr. Brain Crawford. “About 1050 students have it good [with their schedules] but about 200 have it wrong.” Additionally the school wanted to be sure that class sizes remained smaller on average as another measure to help prevent the potential spread of COVID-19. “The percentage is the same [of people getting into all the classes they want] but the difference is I was able to keep class sizes smaller.” According to Crawford these efforts have worked pretty well as nearly all classes have 28 students or less. In previous years classes were capped at 32 people.

Students have a different perception of the changes made on the school schedules. In over a hundred students polled through their English classes 52.3 percent of students stated they did not get all of the classes they wanted this year, while 67.3 percent of students said that at least some of their year long classes swap period slots between semesters. When asked to give their opinion on a 1-10 scale about the schedule changes (with 1 being unfavorable and 10 being favorable) the average opinion averaged to about 3.7/10. The most common or median response to the opinion scale was a 4/10. Students also provided some statements on their opinions of schedule changes. Junior Daniel Dishner who only had a few classes changed stated that “[his] schedule is kind of better, I have a light day, it’s [his opinion] is like a 6.” Contrary to Dishner Sophomore Dashel Hinrichs with two classes changing stated “It’s really annoying then, because I like the kids in those two classes and I don’t like that they have to change it.” Lastly, Sophomore Ava Glass stated that “I’m going to get mixed up, I’m going to go to the wrong room, I think classes will get mixed up so it will be new people. I don’t want it to happen, I’d rather my schedule just stay the same for my core classes.”