LOHS is a parking nightmare. There’s no other way to put it. For years we’ve complained about too small parking spaces and insufficient parking for juniors and underclassmen. While most of us have accepted that the parking lot will remain as it is, the real issues with parking at LOHS come with the general lack of parking lot etiquette. It seems that parents and students alike lose all their humanity and common sense once they enter the lot.
For starters, there are a plethora of parents who believe that it is acceptable to block all traffic by parking in the middle of the road. For example, at the top of the hill coming up from Boones Ferry, there is always at least one parent who refuses to pull up to the rear pick up area and instead parks their car in the road between the student parking areas. The logic here is that it provides a quick turn around out of the lot as parents can pull straight into the loop that leads back out to Boones Ferry. While this may seem convenient to some, it is extremely selfish. The road in the back of the parking lot is simply not wide enough to accommodate these parents along with two lanes of traffic. Thus, the road becomes a one way street regulated by drivers who have to alternate directions of traffic on their own.
Additionally, the amount of cars that get backed up behind these parents is abysmal, which creates issues for not only the parents in those cars and whoever they are picking up, but also for the people parked in the student spots that get blocked by the line of traffic. This phenomenon honestly creates a terrible and frankly dangerous situation for everyone. Just remember everyone, when in doubt, follow the rules of the road.
Another issue with parking lot etiquette that LOHS faces is the lack of respect for reserved parking spaces. Nearly all of the spaces in the school lot are reserved for either teachers or seniors. However, an alarming number of parents and underclassmen can be found in these spots on a daily basis. According to school policy, anyone who parks in a spot not reserved to them before 10:00 can be reported and ticketed, a reasonable punishment. While some may claim that they are willing to take that risk, what they don’t realize is that they are jeopardizing someone else’s attendance by stealing their spot. The time it takes for someone to find a new spot to park, take a picture of the license plate, walk to the front office, and report the car, will almost certainly dig into class time. Not to mention the fact that in order to have a place to put their car in the meantime, they must take another person’s spot and risk getting a ticket themselves. There are visitor spots for a reason, people, so try to think before you ruin someone else’s day.
Lastly, the issue of student hit-and-runs is plaguing our school. It’s clear that common courtesy goes completely out the window upon entering the school lot. It’s not tough to figure out who left a dent in your driver’s side door when you park next to the same people everyday, so, please, save yourself the embarrassment and at least leave a note.
Ultimately, the LOHS parking lot is not a free-for-all, so for the safety and well being of yourself and others, Lake Oswego parents and students need to learn to follow the rules of the road.