The end of first semester is approaching faster than ever and, with that, so is finals week. This time of studying and test-taking comes around twice each year, and it is not uncommon for it to bring many students large amounts of stress. The stress can be from both the studying for the test as well as trying to do so with the many other things that students have going on in their lives, such as athletics, jobs, clubs and, specifically for seniors, college applications. Final exams alone are enough to take up a majority of your schedule, and trying to fit everything else in your life around them can be quite the hassle. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to prepare yourself for when this time comes and how to manage the stress of finals once you are in the thick of it.
It is most important to remember that this period of stress will pass as all things do, as well as the fact that regardless of the outcome, it will not be the end of the world. In terms of organization, it is very helpful to map out the week of finals and which days each exam will be on. By doing this, you can allow yourself to prioritize studying for the tests that will happen earlier in the week, but it will also give you more time to study for the other tests. Additionally, the location of where you choose to study can have a large impact on how efficient you are. If you choose somewhere noisy or with friends, it is likely that you will find many distractions and the study time may take much longer than it has to. That being said, studying with a friend can also have its benefits. If there is material that you don’t understand, sometimes a different perspective is all you need. Never forget that you can always ask teachers for help with something when you get the chance. You aren’t on your own.
If you are going to be making a notecard for a test that covers all of the material that you have learned in the semester, it is important that you organize the layout of the notecard. This is not only helpful to fit all of the info onto the notecard, but also so you don’t have to waste time during the test trying to find where something is. If there is a test that doesn’t allow notecards, but you feel like you aren’t able to remember everything, using flashcards or Quizlet can also be a great help.
Another important tip is that you should make sure you are getting a good night’s sleep. You may feel that you need to stay up late to get all of the studying in, but studying while you are tired makes it much harder to fully retain the information. Added to that, taking a test while sleep-deprived is never a good idea. If you are ever in the unfortunate situation where you need to cram in some last-second studying, remember that you can show up to school before your test period starts and get some study time in. This way you can get some fresh studying in the morning after getting some proper sleep. Once again, finals week is not the end of the world. With these tips, you are already on your way to a successful finals week.