Conor’s Column

After a fairly unorthodox column last month, I wanted to move toward something a little more positive for this next issue. And with Thanksgiving just one week away, I thought that this would be a perfect opportunity to recognize and appreciate some of the things that make my life enjoyable. So, without further ado, here is a (partial) list of all of the things I’ll be giving thanks for this Thanksgiving.

I’ll start with some of the more traditional (but no less important) things. I literally would not be here without my parents, and all of the support they’ve given me through the entirety of my school career has allowed me to thrive in most aspects of my life (plus, they pay for our Spotify Premium). My siblings have also helped me, whether by leading by example or giving me some way to cure my boredom. I can also say that I wouldn’t know any of the sophomore boys in my Lifetime Sports class without them. I guess being “Tino’s brother” has its perks after all. Finally, I’m very, very thankful for my health. It was a bit of a wild ride through my middle two years of high school, but I’m now in a good spot, emotionally and physically.

School would also be unbearable without all of the things that make me excited to come each day. I’ve had the luxury of fantastic teachers and fantastic classes through all of my years here. I wouldn’t be the student that I am without Mr. Peri, Ms. Dunn, Mr. Hubley and all of the other teachers that have inspired me to push myself  (I would encourage each and every one of you to take AP Euro). As much as you might dread studying for tests or writing essays, it’s always worth considering the effort that your teachers put in to help you learn that material in the first place. On a similar note, I think everyone should appreciate all of the work that our classified staff does each day to make our school run as smoothly as it does. I’d also like to give a shoutout to President Lopez and the rest of ASB and leadership for working each day to try and make school a better place for everyone.

In my college search, I’ve also encountered a number of great resources. Naviance has turned out to be a great tool for the process of researching and applying to schools. Despite its status as a fairly commonplace tool, the Common Application is an incredibly convenient way of applying to multiple schools at a time. Of course, no Thanksgiving list would be complete without a HUGE thank-you to the College Board for their helpful, convenient, and extremely affordable services. College board gotta eat!

On a more serious note, there are a million things outside of school that are worth recognizing. I am grateful for all of the work that goes into keeping our athletics at a high level, including the hours that students put in every day. I’m also glad that we have students who are willing to attend all kinds of sporting events to support their classmates. As a member of ASB, it’s always great to see tons of underclassmen at football games (especially my Laker Crew kids). School spirit has been a point of concern in the last few years, but I have hope that it will recover, and I’m thankful for everyone who is making an effort to facilitate that return.

I’d like to recognize the LO Public Library for allowing all of their members to access the streaming service Kanopy for free (check it out if you have a library card). In fact, I’m thankful for all of the movies that exist in this world. I know that’s pretty broad, but watching movies, especially in theaters, is one of my favorite ways to spend my time.

Let’s finish some rapid fire thank-yous. I am grateful to HBO for finally attempting another adaptation of “His Dark Materials.” I’m not 100 percent thrilled with the quality so far, but anything is better than the 2007 trainwreck that was “The Golden Compass” movie. I’m thankful for my leather wallet that was finally rediscovered after five months of heartache. I’m thankful for Jeff Sun carrying our Lifetime Sports hoopball team to victory with three half court baskets. I’m thankful for unicorn onesies (I thought it would be a waste of 20 dollars for a single football game, but boy was I wrong). I’m thankful for my spot on Newspaper that is allowing me to write this at all. I’m thankful for all of the great seniors that graduated last year (including our wonderful former editors-in-chief). And finally, I am infinitely grateful for the opportunity that is No School November. It’s always nice to have a break, and I hope all of you have a fantastic week off.