Tips for being more eco-friendly from Green Team
February 18, 2020
I think that it is important to be mindful about what you are using and how you are using it. We are incredibly wasteful; we use single-use items all the time and people rarely consider what happens to that stuff after it gets thrown away. Everything you do has a larger impact on the environment, we are all a part of the climate crisis. I would advise the community use reusable containers and not buy food with a ton of plastic waste on it. It takes around 1000 years for plastic to decompose in landfills. Additionally, I don’t think that a lot of people realize the carbon footprint of food; the farther away food comes from, the more fossil fuels it uses. So buy local produce whenever possible. Finally, know the difference between recyclables and non recyclables. A ton of recyclable material (cans, bottles, and paper) are haphazardly thrown in the trash. That just goes to landfills and won’t decompose.
~Ashley McCann (junior)
“Eat less meat and try to eat more plant-based foods, because meat uses so much water and it’s super inefficient. The future is plants for sure.
~Jake Archambo (senior)
“Start with small changes: things like eating less meat, skipping single-use plastics and volunteering for groups working on the local ecosystems. I know it’s cliche, but if everyone does a bunch of little things, it will add up in a big way. I’m not asking to do something big like to stop eating meat, no one’s perfect and shouldn’t be forced to hold the burden of climate change. The school is starting the EcoChallenge this week where you can pledge to reduce parts of your environmental footprint, so I recommend joining it (check it out through lohsgreenteam’s Instagram). Do small things and ask our local governments for change, and you will begin to see an improvement!”
~Nate Foster (junior)
“Get out and vote! The burden of climate change has been placed on the shoulders of young people, but we (at least the people under 18) are limited in the sense that we have no definite say in whether candidates who believe in and will fight against climate change are elected because we cannot vote. As much as I can advocate for the environment, I’m not the one filling out a ballot, at the end of the day. That’s not to say talking about climate change is inconsequential, I urge everyone to have those conversations- make it known that the climate crisis is at the forefront of your mind- but voting is a way to create a change greater than any one of us.”
~Izzy Rowland (junior)
“I think, about the trash, people should be better at putting trash in the right place. There are many animals in LO that could accidentally eat the trash, like plastic.”
~Thanaphon Singsukhum (junior)