Eric Whitbeck returns to LOHS


Grace Goverman, News Editor

Partway through the year, a history teacher is returning to LOHS excited to teach AP US History and America and Contemporary World. 

Eric Whitbeck  taught at LOHS for two years and completed his student teaching at Lakeridge High School. Returning to the district, one aspect he looks forward to the most is tying historic content to current events with his students. 

Whitbeck described how he “loves teaching and working with kids.  I will always be available to help and support my students so if you need help, just ask.” 

Undaunted by the new landscape of online teaching, Whitbeck said, “I work from school now so I have access to tech support. Ms. Doyle is a fantastic solver of Zoom and Classroom disasters so I have lots of support.” 

He’s made good use of quarantine, returning to his childhood love of comic books and graphic novels as well as learning how to play guitar. “My favorites [comics] are Rorscach and Blade Runner 2029,” Whitbeck elaborated. “Reading chords on the guitar with traditional sheet music is tough so I am building my brain power.”