Women’s Studies holds annual period drive

This year, the women’s studies class carried out their period drive with a bake sale. The class sold cake pops, rice krispie treats, cupcakes and crepes to raise money to buy menstruation products for the Rose Haven Woman’s Shelter, along with a Venmo drive.

“Access to menstrual supplies is not equitable in society, it’s also an issue that effects not just women, but also transgender people and more… It was something the kids felt passionate about, and felt that there was a need to address this issue,” says Breck Foster, this year’s teacher of the Introduction to Women’s Studies class. “There is also a historical precedent, because the last two years, at least, have each done a period drive.”

While last year the class held a “Red Day” to raise awareness for the cause and invite the entire school to interact, this year, the group sold baked goods in exchange for donations.

“A lot of the discrimination against people who have periods comes out as people who has a period and doesn’t have the the proper menstrual products to take care of it might not go to work that day, or might not be productive that day,” says Sanjay Bergstrom, the senior in charge of the Venmo for this years drive, “… We donated the money to [Rose Haven Women’s Shelter] so they can buy period products because we want to eliminate that form of discrimination.”