Potential changes to Mayfete revealed

In addition to the recent overhaul of the Mayfete court system, possible changes may be heading towards the actual format of the celebration. There have been issues in recent years concerning Mayfete attendance, with some students feeling that a three-hour assembly organized by their peers can be a daunting performance to sit through. Chris Hill, ASB advisor, mentioned that in the possible revision process, “ASB decides that. Usually they seek feedback from the Senate as well.”

LOHS faculty and student leadership teams are currently in discussion, proposing a variety of alternatives to the traditional structure. One such alternative is the elimination of the skits, although most would prefer to maintain this display of student creativity.

A more revolutionary overhaul in consideration is the division of activities between multiple locations over the course of an entire school day, keeping students on their feet and consistently engaged during the celebration. The current struggle is finding a suitable balance between audience engagement and enough time to properly provide a platform for student recognition. If members of the student body have suggestions for Mayfete changes, they are encouraged to seek out a member of the leadership class.